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Trips Module Two

2 min read

You can add a Trips Module two widget via the Elementor plugin to showcase the trips on pages.

You can check the below instructions to configure the widget.

Layout Settings #

  • Gap: Define the spacing between the rows and columns of trips displayed in this section.
  • Layout: Select from a variety of layout options to display trips. There are different layouts available, allowing you to customize the appearance of the Trip Module Two.

Query Settings #

  • Show Featured Trip: Select a featured trip that you want to display.

Hero Post #

  • Featured Ribbon: Enable to display a “featured” ribbon on trips.
  • Discount: Enable to display the discount percentage.
  • Review: Enable to display trip reviews.
  • Trip Meta: Add the title meta that you want to display in each trip.
  • Price: Enable the display of trip prices.
  • Show Striked Price on Sale: Enable to display the striked price for trips on sale.
  • Duration Type: Choose to display the trip duration in days or nights.
  • Price Label: Add the price label.
  • Wishlist: Enable the toggle to display the wishlist icon.

Additional Settings #

  • Location: Enable the toggle to display the location of the trip.
  • Title: Enable the toggle to display the title of the trip.

General Settings #

  • Background Color: Choose the background color for the widget section.
  • Padding: Adjust the padding around the content within the widget section.
  • Border Radius: Set the border radius to control the roundness of the corners.
  • Border Type: Choose the border type for the widget section.
  • Box Shadow: Configure the box shadow effect for the post boxes within the widget section.

Content #

  • Alignment: Align the widget section as desired.
  • Background Color: Choose the background color for the widget section.
  • Padding: Adjust the padding around the content within the widget section.
  • Border Type: Select the border type for the widget section.
  • Box Shadow: Configure the box shadow for the post boxes within the widget section.
  • Border Radius: Set the border radius to control the roundness of the corners.

Hero Post (Style) #

  • Padding: Adjust the padding for the Hero post.
  • Color: Choose the color for the Hero post.
  • Hover Color: Select the hover color for the Hero post.
  • Title Typography: Customize the typography for the Hero trip title.
  • Price Background Color: Define the background color for the price.
  • Typography: Configure the typography for both the Normal Price and Strikeout Price.
  • Color: Set the color for the Normal Price and Strikeout Price.

Image #

  • Image Size: Select the aspect ratio for the featured image of the trips for both normal and hover modes.
  • Object Fit: Choose the object fit for the trip’s featured image in both normal and hover modes.
  • Width: Specify the width of the image for both normal and hover modes.
  • Height: Specify the height of the image for both normal and hover modes.
  • Border Radius: Set the border radius for the image of the trips.

Location #

  • Position: Set the position of the trip location.
  • Typography: Configure the typography for the trip location.
  • Icon Color: Choose the color for the location icon.
  • Icon Size: Set the size of the location icon.
  • Margin: Adjust the margin around the location.
  • Text Color: Specify the text color for the trip location.

Title #

  • Typography: Choose and configure the typography for the post titles.
  • Color: Set the color of the trip titles displayed in this widget for both normal and hover mode.
  • Margin: Set a margin around the title of the trips for both normal and hover mode.

Featured Tag #

  • Typography: Set the typography for the featured tag.
  • Layout: Select a layout to display the featured tag; three options are available.
  • Alignment: Choose the alignment for displaying the featured tag.
  • Color: Choose the color for the featured tag.
  • Background Color: Select a background color for the featured tag.

Discount Tag #

  • Typography: Set the typography for the discount tag.
  • Layout: Select a layout to display the discount tag; three options are available.
  • Alignment: Choose the alignment for displaying the discount tag.
  • Color: Choose the color for the discount tag.
  • Background Color: Select a background color for the discount tag.