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Header Settings

1 min read

The Travel Monster theme provides several settings under the Main Header Setting to add and configure different Header elements for your website. You can access the Header Settings via Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > General Settings > Main Header.

General Settings #

Header Width: You can select the header container width via this option.

Sticky Header: Enabling this option will activate sticky header on your website.

Header Search: Enable this option to display search icon on the site header.

Top Header Color: Select a background color for the Top Header.

Text Color: Select a text color for the Top Header.

Navigation Menu #

Items Spacing: Choose a spacing value to apply between the menu items.

Stretch Menu: Enable this option to stretch the menu items across the menu container.

Dropdown Width: Select the width value for the dropdown menu container.

Contact Information #

Phone: Enter the contact number to display on the header.

Email: Enter the contact email address to display on the header.

Header Button #

Button Label: Enter the label for the button you want to display on the site header.

Button URL: Enter the URL to which you want the header button to link to.

Open link in new Tab: Enable this option to open the header button link in new tab.

Show in Sticky Header: Enable this option to display the header button inside the sticky header.

Background Color: Select the background color for the header button.

Background Hover Color: Select the background color for the header button on hover state.

Text Color: Select the button text color.

Text Hover Color: Select the button text color on hover state.

Social Media Settings #

Social Media: Enable the blue button to display the Social media icons on the site header.

Open in new tab: You can enable this option to open the added social network accounts in new tab.

Social Media Icons: Click on the eye icon to display/hide a social media icon on the site header.

Mobile Header Settings #

Menu Label: Enter the text you want to display to represent the navigation menu in mobile view.

Show Search: Enable this option to display search form in mobile view.

Show Phone Number: Enable this option to display Phone number inside the mobile menu container.

Show Email Address: Enable this option to display email address inside the mobile menu container.

Show Social Media: Enable this option to display social media icons inside the mobile menu container.